Full Time - Dedicated Office
580 CHF  / month
Renews automatically
Cancellation Notice
30 days
Minimum Commitment
2 months

your personal dedicated office in nova62! leave your stuff laying around, nobody else can enter your space and you can still use the rest of the new-working space, incl. coffee, wifi
Rent more meeting rooms as needed.

dein persönliches Büro in der nova62! lass deine Sache einfach liegen, niemand kann dein Büro betreten. Du kannst natürlich alles andere vom new-working space brauchen, incl. Kaffee, Wifi, etc. Du kannst Meetingzimmer dazu mieten.

Spind - Locker
8.00 CHF / month
Physikalischer Schlüssel - physical key
15.00 CHF / 6 months
externer Briefkasten - external Mailbox
25.00 CHF / month
Terms and Conditions »

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Name or company are required


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